Proofreading and Rewriting

We provide proofreading and rewriting services for both English and Japanse documents.

Chief Translator's Words: When a Japanese physics teacher went to China to present his experiments in an international conference, I was asked to proofread and rewrite the handouts for the presentations. Although the original manuscripts had a lot to improve on, I intentionally refrained from too much rewriting. I judged that it was better to keep the style and flavor of the original as long as it was understandable and the teacher agreed with my opinion. It was also important to keep the language as easy as possible because many audience members were expected to have a limited English ability. The language that I used in the handouts was not particularly elegant, but I believe that the handouts served the purpose well.

Corporate prospectus

Since every writer and editor of a corporate prospectus spends a considerable time and effort picking the right expressions and writing style that suit the company, no one wants all these rhetorical effects and stylistic beauty to be lost in translation.

If you show us the translated and original versions of your prospectus, we can suggest what improvements you can make in the translated version.

Web site

A lot of companies have a multiple language web site, but we can often tell which page is the original and which ones are not. This is because translated pages often lack the elegance and quality of language that the original page has. We can check your web site and rewrite, where necessary, the translated pages to improve the language to the same standard as the original.

Product manuals

Although customers rarely complain about tiny errors or quirks of language in product manuals or any product documents, they are actually hurting the impression of the manufacturer. We can proofread your documents and fix those tiny problems to improve the readability and customer satisfaction.

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