From English to Japanese

Translation is not just about meaning. We pay equal attention to the implications, rhetoric, style and rhythm of the original document.

We have experience in the American, British, Australian and Indian varieties of English and we are currently building on our skills to deal with other varieties, notably the ones spoken in Hong Kong and Singapore. We have also successfully dealt with unnatural English influenced by other languages.

Chief Translator's Words: Among the many varieties of English documents I have encountered, the most memorable one was the document from an international organization based in Europe. The document was obviously influenced by the German language. Since I was not informed that the English version was a translation, I was at first confused by the overuse of the article "the" and other non-standard word choices, but I gradually came to be convinced that it was a translation from German. Once I was sure that it was so, the rest of the job was a breeze. All the little quirks made sense once I imagined the original German phrases. It was a great learning experience which gave me a lot of insights and skills to deal with "unconventional" sorts of English.

A lot of European organizations maintain multiple language versions of the same documents and English is not always the original language. At Sigma Language, we can translate English documents into Japanese referring to other language versions (German and French) to minimize the discrepancies between the original and the Japanese version. (Note that the quality of this service depends on the languages involved. We have sufficient experience in German and French, but the scope of our experience and knowledge is limited with other languages.)

Business Documents

Case 1: Promotion material for the Japanese market

We can translate sales materials into Japanese with full consideration of the Japanese culture and current trends.

Case 2: Presentation material for a business trip to Japan

We use simple yet appealing language that best suits the purpose and context of your presentation. We also promise that none of your subtle intention or implication of your language will be lost in our quality translation.

For PowerPoint files, we test-run the translated material to make sure that the translation matches the presentation order and any visual or audio effect.

Technical Documents

Case 1: Localization of a web site for Japanese engineers

While a lot of engineers are able to understand the English language of technical nature, you can put your Japanese readers at more ease with a reliable and effective translation we can provide.

Case 2: Technical articles to submit to a Japanese publisher

Even for technical documents, we pay attention to every subtlety of the language so that the translated document is the accurate reproduction of the original not only in its content but also in its implication and the impression that it gives to the reader.

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